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AkzoNobel Deploys a 460KW Purchase Power Agreement Solar Solution from Shams Power

AkzoNobel Pakistan, a leading chemical and paint company that creates performance coating, decided to go green with solar energy. For this, AkzoNobel collaborated with Shams Power Limited to adopt a solar system in their head office and manufacturing facility in Lahore.

Power Purchase Agreement Points

  • Shams Power Limited will utilize the carport structures of AkzoNobel to install a solar power plant that will help them generate 460KW of DC power on a Power Purchase Agreement basis.
  • Shams Power Limited will utilize the carport structures of AkzoNobel to install a solar power plant that will help them generate 460KW of DC power on a Power Purchase Agreement basis.
  • Shams Power Limited will handle the operation and maintenance of 1,393 panels and other related equipment during the agreement tenure and will hand over the solar system to AkzoNobel after the PPA contract term expires.
  • With solar energy, AkzoNobel will be able to plan their energy costs effectively without worrying about the price fluctuations, as they will be only paying a fixed discounted rate per unit.

Expected Outcomes in the Future

AkzoNobel expects to save 387,000 kilograms of CO2 per year of this project. It is equivalent to either replacing 0.4 million pounds of coal burnt to produce electricity or avoiding the use of 1,000 barrels of gasoline. Furthermore, with Shams Power’s assistance, AkzoNobel will have a sustainable and energy-efficient solution.

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Deployment of Green Energy: An Initiative of Shams Power

Through this Build Own Operate and Transfer (BOOT) Model, Shams Power has provided AkzoNobel with a customized solar system to overcome their energy needs using a carbon-free and eco-friendly solution. Given the worrying changes in nature, shifting to a greener alternative has become an essential step toward a cleaner future for Pakistan. AkzoNobel, a socially responsible company, recognizes the necessity of moving towards a carbon-free solution for a better future. Hence, their initiative of deploying green energy is for stepping towards a greener society.

Many companies nationwide are now adopting this cost-effective renewable source for their business operations. You can be a part of this change and join hands with Shams Power to transform your energy mix into a renewable solution.

The international news published the PPA agreement update between Shams and AkzoNobel in their official blog. Check out!