Solar energy is the most adopted and feasible renewable energy option for Pakistan’s commercial and industrial sectors. Organizations have renewed their interest in solar energy due to its commercial and environmental benefits. Solar energy enables significant savings in electricity bills, access to clean energy, and an increase in energy independence. However, a few but widespread... Read more
There is only one earth, and it’s in danger. Our blue planet is losing its majestic ability to sustain life. According to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), there are more than 100 billion planets in our galaxy. Up till now, humans have been unable to find another planet completely capable of sustaining life.... Read more
Businesses these days’ bear heavy utility expenses in their day-to-day operations. As the organization grows, more energy is consumed for lighting, production, HVAC, machines, and other purposes. According to research by Finance Division Pakistan, Pakistan's industrial sector consumed 22,280 GWH in 2021. However, as the cost of electricity rises, the overall expenses of firms also... Read more