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The Path of Efficiency with Rooftop Solar: Deploying Solar Energy for a Brighter Future

International Energy Agency reports suggest that the consistent growth in the global demand for Social Energy solutions will create an expected rise in solar production to 3300 TWh by 2030.

This possibility of an efficient energy supply spike in developing countries indicates a strong socio-economic development relationship with its production capacity. However, many developing countries like Pakistan, where large energy production mainly relies on non-renewable sources, still face prolonged power shortages due to Energy Transmission and Distribution constraints.

The unreliability of the grids and transmission lines has called for a rise of new significant measures to produce energy with a sustainable solution. Hence, the demand for renewable energy solutions like solar PV systems has been progressively rising in the commercial and industrial sectors of the country.

With the introduction of rooftop and ground-mount solar applications, the implementation of the Solar System in Pakistan is helping large corporates to capitalize on solar energy for a better future.

Promising Scope of Solar in Pakistan

Solar Power is the most affordable and environmentally sustainable way to overcome Pakistan’s energy deficit if its demand in industrial and commercial sectors is increased. With this approach, Pakistan’s government has also set a target of producing about 10 GWh of renewable energy by 2030. Furthermore, to maintain and expand the country’s solar power resources, the Alternative Energy Development Board (AEDB) also abolished solar energy tax duties in 2006.

Rooftop Solar Power Plant

Hence, these uplifting policy regulations have encouraged large corporations and industrial sectors in Pakistan to collaborate with private energy providers to adopt renewable energy as a potential replacement for traditional energy sources.

Shams Power is one of Pakistan’s recognized solar energy providers, serving the commercial and industrial sectors by facilitating solar sustainability on a PPA basis. Renowned corporates like METRO Cash & Carry Pakistan, Packages Mall, Maxim Agri Pvt Ltd, Nishat Hyundai, Emporium Mall, AkzoNobel Pakistan, and many more have chosen clean and green energy through power purchase agreement plan with zero upfront cost and guaranteed savings in return for discounted rates on energy tariff.

What does a commercial and industrial solar installation look like?

Solar Energy brings a tremendous amount of convenience to corporate sectors and solar financing investors. Since Pakistan is known to have an enormous capacity for solar power, every merchandising firm, factory owner, and educational institute can get the benefits of solar energy in one way or another.

With the help of Solar PPA, many solar installations like rooftop and ground-mounted solar have become feasible for different industrial and commercial sectors, and many corporations are pursuing more solar projects on a PPA basis. Apart from reducing the carbon footprints, it attracts environmentally conscious clients looking for sustainable practices while doing a business.

Hence, contrary to traditional grid energy, with the PPA Rooftop solar power plant, companies avail a guaranteed saving from Day 1.

Enhancing efficiency with Rooftop Solar

The designs of factory roofs should be flat and broad with enormous unused space, making it more convenient for the company to use the available area to install solar power plants for proper production.

The rooftop solar spaciously utilizes the free space with flexible architectural designs to maximize solar energy output from better angles by doing the yield and shadow analysis.

In Pakistan, many businesses, including Multi-National companies, have large production plants with plenty of flat roof areas, making it ideal for generating renewable and low-cost solar energy to capitalize on existing unutilized resources.

Moreover, in the case of the Rooftop Solar Power Plant, the analysis of yield and shadow should be done, so the implementation of the solar system becomes simpler and quicker.

Accessibility to Commercial Entities

Commercial property owners can significantly reduce the expenses of electricity and operational activities by adopting more practical resources. As Shams Power is installing Commercial Rooftop Solar Power Plant on a Solar PPA basis, so it’s very profitable for large commercial businesses, especially when renting commercial facilities to other companies.

Hence, the Rooftop Solar solution reduces the net energy bills while shielding the retail spaces, large corporates, manufacturing units, and warehouses.

Convenience to Industrial Corporations

Industrialists are encouraged to fulfill their energy needs with renewable energy. Solar System in Pakistan facilitates the industrialists to utilize solar power plants at full potential and saves the incentives of tax exemptions and capital subsidies.

With the initiation of multiple flexible solar buying opportunities like Solar PPA, the cost of installing a solar system for industrialists has become zero. Therefore, now all industries can take the lucrative benefits of switching their energy supply to a clean, green, and sustainable solution.

The flexible availability of solar applications like rooftop solar has changed the power industry in many ways. Providing opportunities for flourishing production growth has altered the dynamics of the power industry.

End-to-End Solar Services for more significant benefits

The solar industry has been evolving continuously, and more companies are now shifting towards captive solar solutions. Shams Power is one of Pakistan’s leading solar providers, offering its comprehensive services in commercial and industrial sectors all over Pakistan for Rooftop, Ground-Mounted, and Car-Port solar installation under solar Purchase Power Agreements (PPA), thus diminishing any financial risk for businesses.

Shams Power leverages its flexible and premium services in the solar industry by offering unique solutions for every type of company. By offering a diverse range of solar power solutions, including Rooftop Ground-mounted, and carport solar structured Power Plants, our skilled team provides all-inclusive and reliable services to its clients, including the initial costs of design and finance procurement, installation, operations, and maintenance facilities. Our end-to-end solar assistance can be recognized by the significant commercial and industrial market entities adopting our solar PV systems.

With zero investments, hassle-free operation, and maintenance facility, the solar Purchase Power Agreement (PPA) operations are performed safely and securely. These Solar endeavors always aim to encourage environmental sustainability and decrease electricity costs by boosting the demand for Solar systems in Pakistan.

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