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Top Reasons why producing solar energy is cheaper than coal-fired energy

As technology has evolved in the renewable energy sector, opting for solar energy has become increasingly common in industries where coal is the main source of power generation. Numerous studies have shown that electricity produced by coal-fired power plants is more expensive than electricity produced by solar energy.

Moreover, solar energy is green energy which brings sustainability. Hence, contributing to the betterment of the environment by cutting down the carbon emissions is another important factor for firms switching towards solar.

The benefits of using solar energy over coal

The majority of people are already aware of the drawbacks, such as the increase in greenhouse gases brought on by coal usage. It includes significant pollution and is an inadequate resource that will gradually disappear.

Solar energy systems use an abundant supply of sunlight and can be installed on roofs, ground, or even car parking. Solar is a non-polluting source of green energy, which is a significant advantage for any large-scale organization. In contrast, the production of fossil fuels like coal degrades the environment. Many users might not be aware that using fossil fuels, in addition to producing greenhouse gas emissions, also causes the water supply to deteriorate and erode.

Pakistan has also taken some initiatives to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. Due to this, Pakistan also participated in the 26th Conference of the Parties (COP26) to address critical issues such as climate change and its financial consequences.

Solar Power Plants

Solar Power Plants: An affordable option for the C&I Sector.

The following important arguments demonstrate that solar power plants are less expensive than coal-fired power plants.

Solar energy is more environmentally friendly than non-renewable sources like coal and fossil fuels. As a result, electricity produced by a commercial rooftop solar system does not release greenhouse gasses and protects the environment from damaging carbon emissions.

No Capital cost in case of PPA

The PPA contract helps companies to avail solar energy supply without paying any capital cost for installing it on their land. So, the cost of installing on land gets erased. Shams Power’s expert team maintains a precise schedule for all operational maintenance. Throughout the PPA contract, our services will also include cleaning and maintaining the solar system.

Solar Power Plants

Low Costs of Labour

Pakistan has the lowest labour costs, allowing the solar sector to hire many people, resulting in project completion at the absolute lowest pricing and making solar power plants less expensive than coal-fired power plants.

Price Reduction

The price sensitivity has given solar power plants the advantage. The cost of solar energy is determined by the complete analysis of the commercial solar power plant. Crucial parts like solar panels, inverters, and junction boxes are available for significantly less money, even if bought from international suppliers, compared to a coal unit’s energy production. Moreover, if the organization is getting solar energy under a PPA contract, it will only have to pay discounted rates for each energy unit consumed. Therefore, price sensitivity is a major factor that explains why solar is preferable over coal.

Available for the future

Energy Providers like Shams Power are supplying solar power plants at half the cost of coal. Energy storage will be essential in the upcoming years, so coal is scarce, and solar is an abundant power source.

In this regard, the government is also helping the C&I sector realize its long-term goal of elevating the solar industry to the next level.

Hence, the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) recently announced that it will extend the Financing Scheme for Renewable Energy for two years, which will last up to June 30, 2024.

Shams Power

We provide solar services, including designing, financing, installing, checking, and continuous maintenance for your solar energy plants. We facilitate clients with lucrative solar opportunities so that they can run their businesses and contribute to the environment simultaneously.

For more details, please feel free to contact us here.

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Here is everything you need to know about the types of Solar Panels.

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The rising global warming and climate change concerns encouraged world economies to probe into renewable energy sources. Due to the abundance and availability of solar irradiation, solar energy technology is being extensively researched and widely adopted. Hence, the Solar Panel System market has boomed since its creation in the middle of the 20th century because of its efficient and environmentally friendly method of generating electricity.

What are PV panels?

Photovoltaic (PV) panels, more commonly referred to as solar panels, utilize the sun’s energy and turn it into electricity. This article will go through different types of PV panels and systems and their performance.

Solar PV System Types

Let’s first talk about the different solar energy systems before moving on to the various PV solar panel types.

There are three main kinds of solar PV systems:

  • On-Grid Systems
  • Off-Grid Systems
  • Hybrid Systems

On-Grid Solar System

The On-Grid solar system is connected to the utility grid via a power inverter device which allows the solar system to function in parallel with the electric grid.

Off-Grid Solar System:

The Off-Grid solar system is not connected to the utility grid. These systems require a battery storage system in order to store the extra energy generated throughout the day to be used later when solar energy generation decreases or ceases.

Hybrid Solar System: 

The Hybrid solar system is connected to the utility grid while also having a battery storage system in order to store the extra energy generated. Hybrid solar systems provide great coverage against both irregular solar energy production and unannounced power outages.

shams power-solar panels


PV solar panels come in a variety of technology types. Monocrystalline, polycrystalline, and thin film are some of these varieties.


It is recognized as mono because single-crystal silicon permits electrons to make electricity. The thickness of these wafers ranges between 200 and 400 μm. The cells are divided into a single silicon source resulting in monocrystalline modules that are the most effective of the several modules. Such modules have powerful output and an efficiency of about 20%. The benefits of such modules include taking up the least amount of space and long-lasting quality.


The word “polycrystalline” means “many,” which implies that a polycrystalline panel is constructed from several blended silicon bits. A polycrystalline solar panel is constructed from melted silicon wafers with thicknesses ranging from 200 to 400 μm. A polycrystalline module can be used for more than 25 years without failure. Polycrystalline modules are in high demand because they offer the highest performance. 


Different types of materials are used to do thin-film modules. Instead of solid silicon wafers, they are made of non-crystalline silicon placed on top of glass, plastic, or metal. Thin Film modules are the best choice for fewer power tasks because they are inexpensive, lightweight, and portable. These sorts of PV panels are employed in commercial and industrial projects where space is limited.

shams power-Solar BOOT Model

Solar BOOT Model: 

Now Customize the Solar Energy System as per your business requirements

The BOOT Model is a project delivery strategy in which Shams Power offers a Photovoltaic (PV) based electricity generating system by delivering end-to-end services in which we build, own, run, and transfer the solar power system under PPA.

This methodology eliminates all CAPEX, OPEX and system performance risks at the user’s end.

As we provide our clients with a full range of services, including Financing, Design, Procurement, Construction, Installation, Operations, and Maintenance of solar power plants. Our build-own-operate-transfer method, created specifically for large commercial and industrial sectors, enables significant savings on electricity bills while also achieving sustainability goals.


After discussing the various solar PV system types, we can now see why Solar Energy is a preferred renewable energy option. Solar panels may generate energy without needing any raw materials because irradiation from the sun is abundant. Solar photovoltaic panels can produce electricity anywhere there is sunlight. They are low maintenance, simple to install, and versatile. Hence, Solar Energy System on solar PPA is a wise investment for a better and cleaner future.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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Solar Power Performance Under Different Environmental Conditions

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text][/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Solar Industry has experienced exponential innovation in technology over the past ten years. With every solar advancement, energy generation has become more efficient and the cost of solar systems has fallen making solar adoption more feasible.

If a firm intends to install a solar power plant on its premises, it is essential to check for the solar system’s energy efficiency. It is prudent for a user to enquire about the factors that affect solar energy efficiency in order to make an informed decision. Moreover, a solar system’s efficiency varies, and depends on several factors.

Factors Affecting Solar Energy Production

Variations in Degrees/Celsius around the country

Many people believe that intense heat results in more excellent power production. However, do you know that the solar system’s efficiency falls by around 0.25% for every degree over 25°C? The solar cells’ maximum generation capacity is dramatically reduced due to the dropping of voltage between the solar cells caused by contact with intense heat. Therefore, it is advisable to opt for locations that will not cause any damage due to extreme heated temperatures.

Solar Power

Shade on the Solar Panels 

There could be a significant power loss if the solar panels are covered in the shade. Solar cells are interconnected in a series (inside or across panels). As a result, the shaded cells stop the current from passing through the complete chain of linked cells. Therefore, solar energy firms in Pakistan advise businesses to avoid putting solar panels in locations where there will be significant shade most of the day.

Angle Alignment

Solar panels must be positioned and slanted to receive abundant direct sunlight throughout the day. Since this cannot be done manually, it is ideal to take the help of experts who can position these solar panels under the direction of the sun from morning to evening. Engineers, therefore, install a solar system under the sun’s direction using yield and shadow analyses.

Solar Power

Solar System Maintenance 

The solar system’s effectiveness is also affected by pollution, precipitation, dust, and sandstorms. Regular cleaning ensures that the solar panel surface is free of debris and produces electricity efficiently.

Hence, monthly cleaning and maintenance are required to generate a high volume of energy units. In the PPA agreement, the energy provider is in charge of cleaning and maintaining the solar system, while the buyer is not liable for any maintenance expenses.

Geographical Positioning

The local climate and amount of daylight vary from location to location in Pakistan. It significantly impacts solar insolation (the frequency of solar power coming every cm2/min). Hence, it is essential to consider the level of solar irradiance on the land if a company intends to buy a solar system for running its business operations.

Effects Of Bad Weather 

Energy suppliers in Pakistan have offered high-quality solar systems to ensure safety from heavy rains, storms, and other weather conditions for more than 25 years. The outer layer of glass prevents solar panel surface heating while allowing raindrops and storm dust to slide off the panels easily.

Are you looking for an experienced and reliable solar energy provider in Pakistan?

Shams Power has installed customized solar power projects over the years, supporting commercial and industrial businesses to install solar systems on their rooftops, grounds, and parking area. We assist companies in achieving a quick and successful transition to clean energy.

Contact us now and get the best solar recommendations from the industry’s experts.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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Solar innovations: Changing the world for a sustainable future

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text][/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Over the past few decades, the solar industry has made significant progress. Improved solar technology and decreasing associated costs have enabled the utilization of sunlight to energize large communities and corporations. Longer-lasting and more efficient solar cells are one of the most recent innovations in solar technology.

Many countries now utilize solar power to fulfill their decarbonization goals and prefer investing in Solar PV Systems instead of coal or gas power plants. Similarly, the business ecosystem is also experiencing a shift where now sustainability objectives are being prioritized. Solar energy is a promising alternative to fossil fuels, as the major input of sunlight is found in abundance and is free.

Let’s look at a few of the global solar innovations and their benefits found globally.

Efficient solar cells for Solar Panel Systems

Efficient Solar cell has been one of the most impressive solar achievements globally. It has led to a 31.6% increase in the conversion rate of solar energy to electric current, as compared to the previous ones.

Solar Energy System

Windows with Solar Cells

A solar window is a solar cell that serves as transparent glass and produces solar energy. Besides being cost-saving, it is considered eco-friendly and does not take any extra space. It can be effectively used for both commercial buildings and households.

Solar Powered Cars

Another technological advancement in the solar world is solar-powered automobiles. This innovation can transform solar energy into electricity to power a car’s engine. It does with the concept of Solar-to-fuel conversion that makes hydrogen fuel using solar energy. Hence, solar-powered cars can help to cut down the dependence on oil/petrol/diesel and CNG base cars.

Sun-Tracking Solar Cells 

Solar cells that follow the sun from east to west throughout the day were launched in December 2016. These solar cells are bowl-shaped and can be used in a Solar PV System. It employs solar trackers to track the sun to gather more of its energy. Hence, this will help produce maximum energy for the commercial and industrial sectors.

Solar cells are printable

The printing of solar cells onto thin plastic sheets was launched in February 2017. The thickness of these solar cells is only about half a millimeter. They can be folded up because of their elasticity. They are also durable enough to avoid harm when struck by a car or submerged in water.

Solar cells made of silicon

Silicon solar cells have become one of the most direct sources of electricity from renewable energy sources. Researchers have also developed a bifacial silicon solar cell with efficiencies of 23.3% on the front and 23.4% on the back, thus increasing the solar cell efficiency record by 29.52 percent in December 2020. Hence, according to the International Energy Agency’s 2020 energy outlook research, these silicon cells based solar energy systems are producing the cheapest commercial electricity in history.

Solar Energy System

Photovoltaics integrated into buildings

Building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPVs) refers to incorporating photovoltaic qualities into the essential building components rather than rooftop solar panels. It means exteriors, roofs, glass windows, and all other types of shading producing the electricity that powers buildings. BIPVs effortlessly integrate into the architecture of the building, thus eliminating away the requirement for a separate mounted solar PV system installation.

How Solar tech advancements are changing the game of the solar industry

Enhancing Effectiveness

Manufacturers of solar cells and modules are still exploring ways to increase the effectiveness of solar panel systems. The solar conversion efficiency of 25% has been attained this year with the help of crystalline silicon technologies.

Thin-film techniques

Around 90% of the solar market has continued to be dominated by thin-film PV panels which have increased solar energy production.


The solar business has a small but expanding sector dedicated to maximizing agricultural land use by covering crops with solar energy systems. Farms can be run self-sufficient with the help of solar energy. Moreover, solar panel shading can enhance yields while lowering water demand by minimizing evaporation.


Over the year, we have seen multiple solar tech innovations that bring positive hope for a sustainable environment. Hence, with these technologies, the planet can reduce carbon emissions for a greener and more prosperous future.

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How to Convince your CEO to Switch to Solar Power

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text][/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Today, a myriad of big and small enterprises in Pakistan are using commercial solar power systems. This helps them full fill sustainability goals and lowers their electricity costs. As a result, corporates can save their electricity bills and increase their energy independence.

However, if the CEO of your business is still unsure about switching to solar power, don’t worry;

We have several strategies and guidelines to convince your CEO to opt for a solar solution.

Speak Figures

The continuously rising cost of electricity is one of the major concerns all types of companies are facing these days. The worst aspect is that the standard grid energy given by your state’s Disco is insufficient and expensive.

The commercial and Industrial sectors in Pakistan pay highly taxed tariffs and still experience energy shortages that eventually lead to either productivity loss or high investment costs to enable grid energy alternatives. Hence, converting to solar energy can help them save on their electricity bills and future hikes.

The upfront costs required for buying and installing solar plants are now substantially cheaper than they were a few years ago. This is a result of the tremendous advancements in technology. However, if you don’t want to invest a single rupee, Solar PPA is a very feasible model for your organization.

C&I sector in Pakistan is now able to get solar energy without incurring any installation investment or maintenance expenditures, thanks to the introduction of solar PPA. Connect with solar specialists like Shams Power to calculate the energy savings that your company could receive by shifting to solar without any investment. Have these figures on hand because most CEOs are prepared to switch once they understand the financial benefits of solar power systems.

Solar System In Pakistan

Decrease your carbon emissions to increase sustainability

According to a Nielsen survey, globally customers are prepared to spend more for products from firms that are sustainable. The research discovered that 73% of youth and 66% of customers from older generations are willing to pay more for sustainable brands.

Utilizing solar not only has a significant environmental impact but also has a positive impact on your financial line. Solar energy is environmentally friendly and provides electricity that significantly lowers your company’s carbon impact. Since no chemicals or greenhouse gases are discharged into the atmosphere, it has no adverse environmental effects.

You can publicize it on your social media accounts and bring it to your customers’ attention. Your consumers will be informed that your business uses solar plants and that you are contributing to a better future for the environment. Your brand will gain more respect from the general public and customers.

The desire of every CEO for their company is to have a good reputation with clients, and for this reason, you should persuade them to switch.

Solar Energy System-shams power

Become a Leader in Climate Change

Today many large corporations have become climate leaders for a sustainable tomorrow. According to the SEIA (Solar Energy Industries Association). Analysis, some of the largest companies, like Walmart, IKEA, Apple, and Costco, are the most significant solar energy users.

Locally, hundreds of large and small businesses have emerged as leaders in the fight against climate change with the help of solar power purchase agreements. Shams Power has empowered industry-leading corporates to opt for solar energy some of our clients include METRO Cash & Carry Pakistan, Packages Mall, Maxim Agri Pvt Ltd, Nishat Hyundai, Emporium Mall, AkzoNobel Pakistan, and many more

Observe Regulations

Businesses must abide by several environmental laws, including renewable energy and greener solutions. Your company’s decision to go solar demonstrates your dedication to society which will also aid in improving your company’s standing with regulatory bodies.

The Paris Climate Agreement’s goal is to keep global warming below 2 degrees Celsius. Pakistan must also become a leader in the use of renewable energy. Going solar is a priority for the government more than ever.

Initiatives by Government

The state bank of Pakistan recently declared that it would extend the financing scheme for alternative energy for two or more years, ending on June 30, 2024. 

As a result, many businesses are now encouraged to look into solar financing without fear of financial difficulties.

Check if it applies to your business and pitch this to your CEO.

Learn about solar installations that can be done without any investment. Check if it relates to your company, then present it to your CEO.

A Brief Summary

There are several advantages to switching to clean solar energy for businesses. Large businesses throughout all sectors can benefit from solar by lowering operational costs, building their brand’s reputation, and gaining a competitive edge.

Don’t forget to add that by installing solar power, your company is contributing to creating a planet that will benefit future generations. With this, you will demonstrate your dedication to the environment and society by leaving a legacy.

Acquire support from your CEO by emphasizing these factors, and when he/she gets ready set up a meeting with us to get an ideal solution without any hassle.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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Is Solar an efficient renewable energy source?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Solar power is one of the most prominent and widely used renewable energy sources. With robust initiatives and sufficient investment, solar energy has the potential to drastically reduce the world’s reliance on fossil fuels.

Making Pakistan an environment-friendly and carbon-clean country

Solar power is a clean energy source with zero to minimal carbon footprint, it reduces harmful elements in the environment and helps in environmental sustainability. A Solar Energy System is a reliable secondary energy source that can satisfy an organization’s energy needs while also fulling its sustainability goals. As sunlight is free and abundant, solar energy systems can energize even the most remote parts of the world at relatively low operating costs.

Making Pakistan an environment-friendly and carbon-clean country

Solar Energy for Commercial and Industrial Sector

The manufacturing and commercial organizations want to use solar energy but might feel perplexed about how to best use the available space. However, solar plants can be installed as rooftops, carports, and ground-mounted solar structures.

Thus, they are space-efficient and mechanically inert. In addition to that, the solar power plant is generally referred to as the most reliable alternative for users due to its 25-year warranty policy.

You can now enjoy the following benefits of adding solar power to your organization.

Alternative energy source

The fact that solar energy is a Carbon-free solution is the most significant advantage among its many other advantages. It is accessible every day and useable everywhere in the world. Unlike other sources that are being exploited excessively, solar energy can never run out. As long as the sun exists, solar energy will be easily accessible to everyone.

Offers the security of energy supply on the premises

Adoption of solar energy also increases the energy independence of the organizations. For this reason, governments are encouraging organizations to implement renewable sources like solar energy for their operational use. Regarding this, the state bank of Pakistan recently declared that it would extend the financing scheme for alternative energy for two or more years, ending on June 30, 2024. Thus, many companies are now encouraged to opt for solar financing without worrying about financial problems.

Reduce carbon emission

It is well known that carbon dioxide contributes to global warming, which is melting glaciers, threatening the survival of species, and worsening habitats. However, with solar energy, we can reduce reliance on non-renewable energy sources.

Reduce carbon emission

Cost Efficient Maintenance 

Solar Power plants require regular maintenance and the whole process is very delicate so must be handled by experts. However; the solar system’s maintenance is still less complex when compared to the maintenance needs of other energy sources.

 Multiple uses 

Solar Power Systems operate independently and can be set up even in the most remote areas. It may be used to extract water in areas with low water supplies, produce electricity in remote areas, and run manufacturing factories, commercial buildings, and even spaceships.

Reduce electricity cost and boost savings

Ever-increasing fossil fuel prices have led to rising in electricity bills while rapid development in solar technology has reduced costs and increased energy yield efficiency. Thus, energy bills will surely go down as the solar energy system will fulfill several energy requirements.

Solar Energy better for the Climate 

As the effect of climate change worsens, the developing nation will face different energy challenges due to their needs.

Hence, a convention called Paris Agreement was held that permitted countries to establish their objectives for lower carbon emissions. 196 nations committed to boosting their clean energy usage in 2015. Under this agreement, they are dealing the environmental and economic trade-offs with renewable energy sources.

In this regard, Pakistan has taken action to lower greenhouse gas emissions. Pakistan also participated in COP26, the 26th conference of the parties, to debate important issues like climate change and its economic effects.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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Climate Change is Real

Pakistan Meteorological Department has warned that the country is likely to witness high temperatures throughout June. Last month Pakistan witnessed record high temperatures where temperatures soared above 50 degrees Celsius in the south. International media termed the phenomenon a “Perfect Climate Storm”. Global average surface temperatures have risen by 0.08° C per decade since 1880 (2). According to the Meteorological Department, Pakistan’s main land surface air temperature in 2021 has risen by an alarming 0.99°C since the 1990s (3).

Pakistan Meteorological Department

Figure 1. Pakistan’s annual mean temperature anomalies (with 1961-1990 as the base period) for the period 1961-2021 (Source: Pakistan Meteorological Department)

Accumulation of Greenhouse gases, specifically carbon dioxide, in the atmosphere is the main driver of “global warming.” A large amount of carbon dioxide is released from burning fossil fuels to generate electricity and contributes to the greenhouse effect. Pakistan is also heavily dependent on non-renewable energy sources for its power, as only 2% of electricity is generated from renewable sources. (4).

energy sources

Figure 2. Pakistan’s energy mix – share in Electricity Generation (Source: Ministry of Energy)

To support a shift toward green energy State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) had launched its “Green Banking Initiative” to encourage renewable energy projects. The policy enabled sponsors of renewable energy access to grants of refinancing (5). Shams Power Limited was able to successfully close a 𝐏𝐊𝐑 𝟐 𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐨𝐧 project finance facility from Bank Alfalah Limited with a partial credit guarantee from GuarantCo, under this SBP refinancing policy.

project finance facility from Bank Alfalah

Figure 3. Signing ceremony attended by: Saad ur Rahman Khan, Group Head, Corporate, Investment Banking, and International Business Group Bank Alfalah (left); Atif Bajwa, CEO Bank Alfalah (middle); Omar Malik, CEO Shams Power (right); Asif Elahi, Partner Capital Resource and Emily Bushby, Interim CEO GuarantCo (virtual)

See blog: Shams Power Secures Financial Closure Of PKR 2 Billion With Bank Alfalah And Guarantco To Invest In 21MW Solar Power Plants In Pakistan

Climate change directly affects the competitiveness, profitability, and survival of corporates. Pakistan’s Commercial and Industrial sectors need to be vigilant and should champion a cause for sustainable development. One of the core pillars of Sustainable development is the adoption of renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and biogas. Collaborating with a private energy provider to access renewable energy is a popular method to ensure replacement for traditional energy sources.

Shams Power is one of Pakistan’s recognized solar energy providers, serving the commercial and industrial sectors by facilitating solar sustainability on a PPA basis. Renowned corporates like METRO Cash & Carry Pakistan, Coca Cola, Packages Mall, Maxim Agri Pvt Ltd, Nishat Hyundai, Emporium Mall, AkzoNobel Pakistan, and many more have chosen clean and green energy through power purchase agreement plan with zero upfront cost and guaranteed savings in return for discounted rates on energy tariff.

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Why Going for a Solar PPA (Power Purchase Agreement) is the Right Choice in 2022?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Over the last decade, PPA Solar System has emerged as one of Pakistan’s most promising renewable energy financing options available for the commercial and industrial sectors. When choosing Solar Energy in Pakistan, companies tend to look at the solar benefits and their contribution to a sustainable future. Solar PPA enables multiple benefits like discounted tariff rates, zero installation fees, and no O&M hassle. With the tightening economic conditions commercial & industrial sector’s tendency to opt for solar energy on a PPA basis has increased.


Let’s have a look at a few reasons why Solar System on PPA basis is suitable for your business in 2022.


Solar PPA Cut Downs the Utility Bills with Solar Energy


In Pakistan electricity tariff rates constantly fluctuate and the trend seldom dips. Unexpected hikes occur in the energy expenses which upsets the operational excellence of the organizations. However, with Solar Power Purchase Agreements, the company get electricity units at a discounted rate. It helps them accomplish their energy requirements with reduced electricity bills.

Through Solar PPA Get Solar Energy with Zero Capital & Operation Costs

Under Solar PPA contract, clients enjoy access to solar energy without paying any financial or operation costs. Through solar energy corporates can utilize a diverse energy mix to enable significant savings on electricity bills, increase energy independence and achieve sustainability goals. By supporting businesses that share the sustainable development goals, Shams Power aims to provide turnkey environment friendly solutions

Get free Maintenance


Solar Power plants do require regular maintenance and the whole process is very delicate so must be handled by experts. Under Solar PPA clients get free maintenance service for the complete solar plant throughout its PPA contract. Shams Power’s skilled professionals do all maintenance and cleaning throughout the duration of the contract while adhering to all HEC standards.

Reduce Carbon footprint

Reduce Carbon Footprint


The recent forest fire in the Koh-e-Suleman (Pakistan) mountain range brought attention to the urgent need to address the world’s rising climate crisis. A shift towards renewable energy sources such as solar, wind or biogas would greatly reduce harmful carbon emissions. In solar industry high upfront cost is the greatest barrier to solar adoption. With Solar PPA more corporates can have access to solar energy as the client only has to pay a discounted tariff on the energy units consumed and there are no upfront or operational costs.



Increases The Company’s Eco-Friendly Value.


With energy independence through Solar PPA, the commercial and industrial sectors can reduce their carbon footprints and fulfill their energy requirements at discounted tariff. Clients can choose a variety of solar installations like Commercial Rooftop Solar structure, ground mounted structure or car parking.


Shams Power recognizes the importance of environmental sustainability beyond its product line and is proud to be at the forefront of the industry in this regard. In 2021 Shams Power produced 6 million units of clean solar energy, which is 3510 tons of Carbon emission reduction 2021. Shams Power strives to develop solar systems that are as ecologically sustainable as possible. Thus, companies working with a PPA Solar system developer like Shams Power are better positioned to successfully accomplish their Sustainable Development Goals.



If you are a business determined to contain environmental degradation through adoption of renewable energy sources, then going solar is a prudent option. To begin the journey of change, answer a few simple questions about your factory/workspace/production unit and discover how it would look with solar plant from our design specialists.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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Solar Energy: Myths and Truths

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Solar energy is the most adopted and feasible renewable energy option for Pakistan’s commercial and industrial sectors. Organizations have renewed their interest in solar energy due to its commercial and environmental benefits. Solar energy enables significant savings in electricity bills, access to clean energy, and an increase in energy independence. However, a few but widespread ‘myths’ have been a major hindrance to solar adoption.

The following are the handful of the most common solar power misconceptions and truths.

1. Myth: Installing Solar Power System is expensive for a Business

Fact: Investment in a Solar Power Plant is relatively expensive in the short run but only if fully financed by the user itself. New solar financing options such as Solar PPA, have made Industrial Solar Installations very feasible. Under Solar Power Purchase Agreements (PPA) the client does not bear the financial investment or operational costs and still can enjoy all the benefits of solar energy. Shams Power is the leading Solar PPA developer and undertakes all of the financing, installation, operations & maintenance of the solar power plant.

2. Myth: Solar power is more effective in hotter weather

Fact: This is another popular misconception when it comes to understanding the production of solar energy. In reality, PV cells in the solar panels absorb sunlight instead of heat to produce electricity. If there is ample sunlight It’s possible to generate solar energy even in extremely cold conditions of Artic or even in Sub-zero Space. Too high temperatures may hamper energy production.

Shams Power experts perform yield and shadow analysis that makes solar system positioning effective and efficient enough to produce optimum energy units.

3. Myth: Solar Energy System needs consistent high maintenance

Fact- Solar Power plants do require regular maintenance and the whole process is very delicate so must be handled by experts. However; the solar system’s maintenance is still less complex when compared to the maintenance needs of other energy sources.

Under Shams Power’s Solar PPA all of the maintenance and cleaning is handled by our professional experts who will clean and maintain the solar plants by adequately following all the HEC policies.

Solar systems

4. Myth: Solar systems can badly affect the roof of the installation site

Fact: Solar systems if designed and installed by a proficient team will have no adverse effect on the roof, on the contrary, the solar panels can provide coverage to the roof protecting it from various harmful elements.

5. Myth: Solar systems look unattractive on the premises.

Fact: Experts ensure to install Solar PV systems in places and angles that do not affect the physical outlook of any building. Solar installation types vary and can be installed on the rooftop, ground, and even on a parking lot as per the available area.

With the experience of overseeing 450MW, Shams Power boasts a highly experienced and skilled in-house team.  These seasoned professionals ensure that the solar system design is aesthetically appealing and business’s premises are not harmed during installation.

6. Myth: Solar has a long payback time

Fact: Continuous innovation in solar technology has made harnessing the sun’s energy very feasible. Solar costs have decreased by 90% in the last 10 years. Solar energy users save on-grid electricity costs from day 1 by getting clean and green solar energy at discounted rates.

Through Shams Power’s Solar PPA our clients enjoy 30% to 60% savings on their electricity bills. With zero CAPEX – OPEX cost they enjoy savings from day 1.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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Only One Earth!


There is only one earth, and it’s in danger. Our blue planet is losing its majestic ability to sustain life. According to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), there are more than 100 billion planets in our galaxy. Up till now, humans have been unable to find another planet completely capable of sustaining life. So, there is #OnlyOneEarth!

Why worry?

Decades of negligence have resulted in a ‘triple planetary emergency’[1]. Temperatures on the world level are rising at an alarming rate which has led to plethora of disasters, including droughts, heat waves, and floods. Continuous destruction of habitat has put an estimated 1 million species on the trajectory toward extinction. Disturbance in ecosystems have caused a rapid decline in the population making many species endangered. Pollution of Air, Land & Water have directly affected the wellbeing of all living things on earth.

What is World Environment Day?

In 1972 United Nations, at the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment, introduced the environment revival initiative known as “World Environment Day. The campaign aims.” to spread awareness about the environmental challenges and encourage a call to action to conserve and protect our ecosystems.

Pakistan has hosted the 2021 edition of “WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY” under the slogan of “Ecosystem Restoration”. This year’s campaign will be hosted by Sweden under the theme of # OnlyOneEarth. This year also marks 50 years of celebrating WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY since its inception in 1972.

Our Responsibility  

Corporates and Industries (C&I) are the commercial backbone of Pakistan’s economy. The scale of their operations is massive enough to have a direct effect on society and the environment. In 2021, Industries contributed around 23% to the GDP, and currently, employees are 15.3% of the labor force [2]; however, Pakistan also produced 217 million metric tons of carbon dioxide (MtCO2) emissions in 2021[3] .

In order to promote collective action, all facets of the society must band together and work towards the revival of the lost ecosystems. C&Is can champion this cause by focusing on sustainable development, including increasing the adoption of renewable energy, reducing and recycling industrial waste, and introducing strict controls on commercial air, water & land pollution.

By focusing on sustainable development, Corporates and Industries (C&I) can revitalize environmental initiatives to save our planet as there is #OnlyOneEarth!